Monday, February 2, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 13

Sam smoked fish,and smoked rabbits. He dug wild onions by the pouchful,and raced Septemberfor her crop. The Baron wheasel looked moody because it might be changing summer fur, for the white winter mantle. All the animals are preparing for harsh months/winter. Sam dragged clay up the mountain to build a fireplace.frightful got sick because the fireplace took up all the oxygen. Sam corrected the problem by cutting several knotholes to let air in and outof the room.


  1. hey joe or whatever your name is. Alli was looking for was a summary forchapter 13 cause im in fith grade forced to read that book in reading and we had to identfy vocab words for chap.13 and 14 and write a summery. we only got 4 days to write it and yet i did not start it but it is due tommorrow!my twofreind were helping mebut one had toeat and the other had to go to her sisters dance recidle or whatever so im stuck here forced to read and write because you cant give somedecent info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  3. thank u this is sooooooo helpful cuz im force to do this too
