Thursday, February 26, 2009

About Picturing America..................? ....?

Question 1: Why did the National Endowment of Humanities decide to teach about American history like this?

Answer: Because they think children will learn more through art. 
Question2: What can you learn about these pictures?

Answer: You can learn what they went through , what they wear, and how they did stuff. 

Question 3: Why were these pictures selected? 

Answer: To learn different varieties of history. 

Question4: Witch picture do you like and why? 

Answer: The people of the matching or as you would prefer it the patterns one i did a long time ago because it taught me how the people looked, and what they wore .

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Painting With A Hammer

The Reason Why I Think This video is titled Painting With A Hammer Is because i think he uses the hammer to carve the silver see what I'm talking about here it is .

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtual tour

Stop 2: the people in the real coal mine would use sledge hammers , and they were able to see the mine because of the candle stick so if you want to see what I am talking about, click this link: it would be really nice if you could see it.

Stop5: The people/ Miner's would hang their cloths on pegs. The room was originally called "the dry" look what I am talking about :

Stop 7: I recognize a steam roller and it was used to drill mine upward. see what I'm talking about:

Stop 12: The mine was powered from water, see what I am talking about:

I would like to be a
Miner because they get to work very hard and go home at night and feel good about them self's, and because of the cool tools.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Picturing America and silver

I think these severl pictures are similar well because they are all silver all silver, and the differenceis the one picture on the left is like a goldish silver to me ( that is my opinion). The other differences are that they are not the exact same thing. Another one is thatone looks like a tea kennel on the righ bottom , the right top looks like a holder for salt or sugar and or brown sugar or something very close to that. The left picture is like piture of hot tea or something like that.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Matching patterns

The first pattern that i see is on the right side the second girl and the fifth girl, the second pattern i see is the first and third indian for the right going to the left, the third pattern i see is the second and third girls shoe from the left going to the right. 

Thinking Mother.....?

        I think this mother is thinking about the Great Depression and about her children, The two details are the way the children are facing and the mother looking sad.

Best Quilt I Like The Best

 The best quilt i like is the purple and blue ones, well because blue is my favorite color, and shows some really good details. If you look in it its like your really getting confused by the circle, square, and the triangles and the star and it all comes out looking like a giant sun or star if witch ever one you prefer in a square. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

  • The details that makes me think he is from the past are that the way his hat is , because everybody today are wearing skull hats, fitted hats, and  baseball hats. People barley were pioneer hats. 
  • His shoes, because no one wheres buckle shoes. 
  • His shirt, because everyone wheres dress shirts or something else. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 22

Photographers made Sam's heart heavy. For the next four days Sam was talking to reporters Sam hesitated getting to his dad because their were a lot of people. Sam's four year old brother made sam jump in the air and laugh in joy. The newspaper inferred that Sam's mother was sad that she let sam leave. Sam's father brought lumber to make a house. Sam's mother said that when Sam was eight-teen he could go where ever he pleased.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 21

Jessie C. James stopped coming around because all she did was fish, and she had a tray full of babies. The song writers name was Aaron. Sam should of talked to Aaron a year ago. Matt yelled and screamed for joy when he saw Sam's home. When Matt and Sam returned for fishing Bando was sleeping in Sam's bed. Matt said their might be photographers to try to make sam uncomfortable. After Bando and Matt left Mr. Jacket came to see Sam and his real name was Tom Sidler. Aaron never asked Sam what he was doing on the mountain. 

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 20

Sap began to run in maple trees at the end of February. Sam went to go scout for edible plants in the valley. Matt spell was the boy who was watching Sam when he whistled for Frightful, and the boy worked after his school was out and he wrote newspapers. Matt did not believed Sam's tale about the wild boy because he said that am was the wild boy in his interview. The deal Matt made with Sam was if he could spend his spring vacation with Sam and he'd just print what Sam told him. April twelfth at three-thirty out side. In Sam's silent forum Sam discussed if Matt was coming or not. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 19

Sam said to be relaxed,warm,and to be part of the winter wilderness was an unforgettable experience. Sam made him self some snowshoes for it could be easier to travel through the snow. A blizzard taught sam to stay home when the air said snow. Sam called the nuthatch barometer because he can tell when a storm is coming. A mouse slipped into Sam's tree at night through a tunnel. The horned owl makes the Gribley farm a beautiful place. Sam opened his door in and out to get the ice off the door. The wind caused the trees to keep exploding. Liver from a rabbit cured Sam's nosebleeds,tiredness,and aching bones. Sam was lacking on citrus fruits and green vegetables. Sam went to go sit in the sun to wonder if the birds were getting there vitiamin D. Sam gave a herd of deer cut down tender limbs. the deer quit coming because the deer were foraging again and it was spring. Sam found the horned owl eggs in the maple wich convinced him that spring was coming. Sam was thinking about pokeweeds, dandelions, and the spring beauties that would soon be pressing up from the earth.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 18

Sam used deer skin and rabbit lined suit. Mr.Bracket, Mrs.O'Brien, Mrs.Callaway,and Mrs.Ffederio are all chickadees. Sam called them these names because they followed each other. Mr.Bando arrived at four thirty Christmas Eve. Sam was planning to give bando a deer hide moccasins lined with rabbit fur. Bando told sam about the newspaper. Sam and bando played holy night on the willow whistles. Bando was to tired to play any more. Sam's dad visited him he found out were he was by the newspaper and Mrs.Fielder. Their drink were sassafras tea, and steak was cooked to perfection. Sam caught fish/trout and he made pancakes for breakfast. Sam's dad stayed the longest. Mr.Gribley left a different way because someone might back track him and find his son sam. 

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 17

Sam kept cutting because he wanted to make a tunnel to go from stack to stack. The author means when he says "Now i am back where i began. I wont tell it again?" that sam either came back to his first woodpile, or he could mean that he might be going through another snowstorm. Sam's standby for breakfast on those cold mornings was Professor Bando's jam. The two plants that sam found under the snow were tea berry, and wintergreen flowers. Sense sam did not have paper to write on he used birch bark. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 16

Frightful's plumage changed during the autumn. Sam used a penknife to cut his hair. Sam was by the magazine when someone called him Daniel Boone. The boy knew were sam had come from because of sams accent. Sam told the boy he was researching on gribley farm. Sam called the boy Mr. Jacket because he did not no the boys name. Sam forgot to stack up a big wood pile for winter.  

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 15

Hunting season had begon in the early November. Sam and frightful were in need of exercise so they went to the library, but then frightful ran off and they did not go to the library. The man gave up on his deer hunt because his friends called. Sam did not have to smoke the last two deer because the air tempature was now cold enough to preserve the vension. Sam had trouble tanning the hides because they kept on freezing.

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 14

Sam is in compotition with squirrels with gathering walnutsand hickory nuts. Sam put the apples in the store room tree to save them from winter. The Halloween party was served at sams house. Sam discovered wild rice in the ox bow. His house became a big mess that evening. The four things he did to get rid of his guest was growled, snarled, hissed, and snorted. The last animal to leave was a bat.

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 13

Sam smoked fish,and smoked rabbits. He dug wild onions by the pouchful,and raced Septemberfor her crop. The Baron wheasel looked moody because it might be changing summer fur, for the white winter mantle. All the animals are preparing for harsh months/winter. Sam dragged clay up the mountain to build a fireplace.frightful got sick because the fireplace took up all the oxygen. Sam corrected the problem by cutting several knotholes to let air in and outof the room.

My Side Of The Mountain chapter 12

Sam used bark of the slippery elm for soap to take a bath. Jessie C. James would dig mussels for sam. Frightful became the expert hunter, and she caugJustify Fullht rabbits, and pheasents. Sam made sassafras tea, and pennyroyal beverages for the sumer for he can drink them. Sam and frightful fond the man in their own house. Sam made the man venison for dinner. The man/bando called sam thoreau. Bando will stay with sam for 7-10 days. Bando made an oven out of clay. BAndo siad he would visit sam by Christmas. Sam and Bando used willow whistles to play music.